Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 552

A gentle reminder for the week ahead.

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of five more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a good start. ?

1. Topknot or blowout?

Blowout…but only if someone else does it for me!

2. have you ever tried doing soap brows?

No, but I really, really want to! I keep meaning to get a bar of glycerine soap whenever I go to Target, but I keep forgetting. I love the brushed-up brow look.


3. Coldest place you’ve ever visited?

Um…Lake Tahoe? In general, I try to stay away from the cold because I’m a weather wimp.

4. have you ever grown out your armpit hair?

Οχι! I don’t think I’ve ever seen my ‘pits in their natural state. I started shaving them right when I started growing body hair.

5. Do you have anything (charms, necklaces, etc.) hanging from your rear-view mirror?

I vaguely recall hanging my college graduation tassel from the rear-view mirror of my old red Honda Civic (nicknamed “Claude”) way back when, but I can’t remember where it went!


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My parents adopted that car after I got a new one about a decade ago. In the intervening years, it was broken into a couple times, got stolen, then was lost for a year, then was found by the police (I KNOW!) and returned to my parents.

Now they keep it around as a backup car.

Somewhere along the way, that graduation tassel disappeared somewhere.

So I ended up not getting any Spanx leggings on Black Friday…

But they’re still on my Christmas list. After being brutally honest with myself about my closet — and the huge stack of black leggings I currently own — I decided it would be wiser to use my clothing budget on some economical dresses at loft (50% off sale!), which I’ll be able to dress up or down. Plus, THEY’RE NOT PANTS. Χαχαχα!

Did you end up getting anything on Black Friday? Or do you plan to get something on Cyber Monday today?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



ΥΣΤΕΡΟΓΡΑΦΟ. question time! here they are to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. τα λέμε σύντομα.

1. Topknot or blowout?
2. have you ever tried doing soap brows?
3. Coldest place you’ve ever visited?
4. have you ever grown out your armpit hair?
5. Do you have anything (charms, necklaces, etc.) hanging from your rear-view mirror?

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